Want to Double Revenue in Less Than a Year? - Kathleen Celmins
Desk and beautiful computer There is a light shining through the window in the morning - picture

Want to Double Revenue in Less Than a Year?

We’re going to add income streams and double revenue for amplifiedNOW in less than a year. We want you to join us.

Welcome to the 29 new MINDSTORMERS who have joined us since last week. You’re good looking, you’re smart, and gosh darn it, your hair looks fabulous. If you aren’t subscribed yet, click here to subscribe now.

It’s time to stop playing small and start working toward doubling our revenue. Who’s in?

This year (2021) was a record-breaking year for amplifiedNOW. We had more clients, more revenue, and more fun than ever before, all while working with a small-but-mighty team.

And we’ve learned a few things.

We’ve learned what works really well, and what doesn’t.

And we want to share.

I (this is Kathleen writing) have been enamored with the idea of launching our own premium newsletter for at least a year. I’ve been nagging my business partner Emma about it, with the eloquence of a kid who wants a puppy.

“I’ll take good care of it!” I promised, month after month. I built case studies. I forwarded plenty of articles from Trends and Contrarian Cashflow. “We could do something like this!” I’d say, with each forwarded email.

Finally, she agreed to talk about what it would look like to build a newsletter.

And, like always, her input made my ideas better.

MINDSTORMS newsletter: high-margin digital business ideas in your inbox.

If you want:

  • Ideas for creating new revenue streams (can’t double revenue without new streams!)
  • Ideas for amplifying your existing revenue streams
  • High-level strategy
  • Ground-level processes, task lists, step-by-step instructions that will take you from idea to execution in a whole lot less time than you think…

Well, then, you’re going to want in on this.

MINDSTORMS newsletter is coming

Building in public

I’m a huge fan of Austin Kleon, who, in Show Your Work, wrote that we should all be building in public. I read that book years ago, and have never really taken the advice to heart. Instead, I’d build in private: through Twitter DMs, Google chats, Telegrams, and text messages with my inner circle.

But as satisfying as one-on-one conversations are (and they truly are the cure for loneliness when you’re working for yourself), they simply don’t scale. And the things we’ve learned over the years (the last two especially) are nuggets of wisdom that can benefit literally anyone who’s also building a business around their knowledge.

Every time I’d get on a call with someone, I’d give them a piece of advice. “Have you ever tried…?” and more often than not, they hadn’t, and time would pass, and we’d hop on Zoom again and they’d say, “I tried that thing you suggested and I just have to say IT WORKED!”

So that’s why we’re here.

We want to help you grow your business without burning yourself completely out.

We’re very focused on things that scale, and we know that time spent working on the right things is about a thousand times better than any amount of time spent working on things that don’t move the needle.

Want to join us?

Announcing: MINDSTORMS newsletter.

It’ll focus on two things:

  • Creating and implementing new revenue opportunities
  • Amplifying and focusing what you’re already doing

Our goal is that you have an ROI that’s at least 10X what you pay for the MINDSTORMS newsletter. Everyone will still get the weekly newsletter on Tuesdays, but if you want to join us, you’ll get more (much more!).

1. We know what’s been working online lately.

And while we may protect the identities of our past clients who don’t want the notoriety, we will pull back the curtain all the way on the strategies and tactics that have worked for them.

2. We’re sharing the things we know, first hand.

This is not going to be regurgitated Twitter threads. This is not hypothetical. What we’ll reveal are the revenue streams, the business models, the marketing engines, that we know work. Because we’ve been in the trenches with dozens of clients.

3. Nothing’s hidden.

It’s all well and good to have ideas. But what differentiates us is that we’re going to give you all our resources. All our templates. All our swipe files. All our checklists. All our processes. Every system that we use to build and grow our business and the businesses of our clients.

MINDSTORMERS, here’s the deal:

We’ll go deep while we focus on ways to double revenue.

Once a month, we’ll take a deep dive into the topic of the month. Sometimes we’ll bring in outside experts, sometimes we’ll present the information ourselves, depending on the topic.

SPEAKING OF TOPICS… Because Emma is a part of this, we’ve planned out the playbooks for 2022. We’ll talk to experts who are knocking it out of the park.

The first playbook is about how to double your digital product revenue without adding anything new.

“Double” is putting it mildly. One of our clients has 5X’d their revenue on digital products by following this playbook.

Throughout 2022 we’ll dive deep into the following:

  • How to 2-5X your revenue on existing digital products
  • How to create a month’s worth of content for your blog and social media accounts in one day
  • How to make $10K per month coaching individuals
  • How to collect hundreds of email subscribers who will actually open your emails and engage with you
  • How to create a high-ticket digital product that will sell itself
  • How to write compelling content that encourages your audience to do what you want them to
  • How to create a mid-range digital product that doesn’t cannibalize your high-ticket offer
  • How to repurpose content you already have (and how to add repurposing to your content creation process)
  • How to use the SAAS model to scale your services
  • How to get more attention from the search engines
  • How to make a million dollars as an affiliate
  • How to build an effective marketing plan for next year

Playbook vault

You’ll get access to all of our playbooks (past, present, and future), past webinars with experts, past video trainings, past templates and swipe files, past spreadsheets.

Monthly office hours

Emma and I will be available for members to pop in and ask questions. We’ll add that to the vault as well so even if you don’t join us live, you’ll get access to the questions people asked in the past.

Plus, something special for founding members.

We’re offering a founders rate. A lifetime deal. Think of it like AppSumo, but not for software. For ideas and playbooks starting in January, and ending…never. We’re only offering the founder rate through the end of January 2022, and we won’t do an offer like this again.

You get all the above, plus:

  • Lifetime access to MINDSTORMS premium newsletter
  • Some sort of gift/swag/fun thing in the mail

So, for our founding members, at $599, you get:

  • Lifetime access
  • Some sort of mail
  • Hipster street cred so you can say you were there first once we hit the big time
  • Insider things
  • A warm fuzzy feeling knowing that you helped us right from the start

After this founding membership period ends, the rate goes to $299 per year.

So if you think you’ll be in business for at least another couple of years, you’ll want to get in on this.

If you can’t tell, I’m ridiculously excited about this.

But, just like anything, the premium MINDSTORMS newsletter isn’t for everyone.

Who is this not for?

It’s not for people who don’t have any interest in building something online. (Ahem, that means you, Dad. I love you, but you bought copies of my book. That’s enough.)

It’s not for ecommerce folks, because between Emma and I, we don’t know a DARN THING about ecommerce.

It’s not for people who want us to do the work for them. We have our DFY services for those types of people.

It’s not for people who are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme. Our playbooks will help grow your business, but we’re fully transparent about how much work goes into each of them.

It’s not for people who are looking for an actual passive income. Passive income online is a myth. Sure, you can make money in your sleep, but not by doing zero work. If you want passive income, invest in index funds.

Who will love the premium MINDSTORMS newsletter?

  • Digital entrepreneurs, or those who aspire to be
  • People who read the MINDSTORMS book and want to take things a step farther
  • People running a solo business, a partnership, or a small-but-mighty team
  • Self-starters, and those who can take an idea and a process and make it their own
  • Dreamers, who don’t stop at dreaming
  • People who are solving real problems for their industry
  • Those who want to double revenue and aren’t afraid to work to get there

And most importantly, what will it do for you?

Obviously, our goal is to help you make more money in your business. But the playbooks aren’t just about increasing revenue. They are also about saving you time and energy by providing you with resources, tools, and step-by-step instructions for getting stuff done.

Building an online business can be a pretty lonely existence. On top of that, most people have spent the last two years isolating themselves further to prevent the spread of COVID. Conferences and retreats have been canceled, and we are all a little starved for companionship.

So we also want to build a community. A place where you can find people, like yourself, who are building something to make the world a better place. People who are excited to share ideas, talk about failures and how to do better next time, and celebrate each and every win.

I’m so excited, and I know Emma is too. We just put together the outline for the January playbook, and if you only use this one in your business, you will easily get a huge ROI on a lifetime membership.

It’s worth a lot more than the $599 we’re offering to our founders. Heck, it’s worth a lot more than the $299 per year we’ll be offering it for once January ends.

We’re building a community of like-minded people, and this is just the beginning.

If you want to double your revenue this year by focusing on the right things, join us.

2022 is going to be so fun.

Case study:

How we earned $100,000 in a year on a digital product

Get the three things that made the most difference when we marketed a digital course and it earned $100,000 in just 12 months.

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