Why it's important to focus on your business even when it's hard. - Kathleen Celmins
Focus on Business Featured

Why it’s important to focus on your business even when it’s hard.

It’s important to be focusing on your own business, to get things done, and to make it a priority.

There is nothing wrong with applying for a full-time job right now. In times of uncertainty, it doesn’t make sense for some people to keep on this path.

There is no limit to the number of times you can enter or exit the Entrepreneur Club. Selling your time right now might help you pay the bills and help you buy back some time in order to build an offer. If you want to start building your own business you need to have things to sell that are not just your time.

You can grab jobs that are coming right now. I keep talking to businesses that are scrambling because they’ve spent whatever thousands of dollars on event space and they want to turn their live events into virtual. It’s not a one-to-one. It takes a little bit more strategy than it does just setting up some different Zoom rooms. Anybody can help you with the tech but you need to be thinking about it more long-term.

In the world of marketing, you need to start with your offer.

I put on a workshop last week about how to build an offer during a time like this – what is it that you want to sell, and then how can you split that up. The psychology of selling includes opening up people’s wallets and keeping them open.

What’s the really enticing thing, the bait on the hook so to speak? What is that thing and how can you make that really enticing? How can you make it an offer they can’t refuse, but not in the organized crime sense, and then add on the other things that will help you build your income during these downtimes?

If you don’t have an offer you aren’t in business. Reverse engineer it so everything starts with your offer. Then you go to the sales page. You want to have the destination in mind as you are building everything out.

You can’t make people’s decisions for them.

This is something to remember that my sales mentor Renee Hribar has said many times. If you’re thinking that now is not the time to be selling what you have to sell because nobody’s going to buy it, the only way that becomes true is if you make it true.

Just because the economy feels weird, nobody’s leaving the house, that doesn’t mean people aren’t buying stuff. You don’t have to start a toilet paper company to be viable in these kinds of times. Do not let your hesitation for something that people probably need even now – maybe especially now – don’t let that keep you from offering what you want to offer.

If you want to offer your stuff at a slightly lower price, by all means, that’s fine. If you don’t think that this economy today will support the prices that you set last month, it’s you it’s up to you to change that. But don’t get inside their heads. You aren’t in their heads, and people are buying even now.

If you are putting the finishing touches on a course, now is the time to launch it. You might think that’s not true – you’re wrong.

Everyone is in front of their computer. The people that aren’t crippled with anxiety can use it. The ones that are crippled with anxiety – what if your course solves some of their anxiety, not just now but in the long term? We are not going to be stuck in this pandemic forever. There will be an after. The more that you can build now to get to that after point, the more likely you are to still be in business once we are on the other side.

Have you seen The Vault? This is a TON of templates and resources that can help you get your next off up super quick. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Case study:

How we earned $100,000 in a year on a digital product

Get the three things that made the most difference when we marketed a digital course and it earned $100,000 in just 12 months.

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