How to reach your ideal customer by telling stories on your website

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News flash:

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Your customers aren’t buying features OR benefits.

"Sell the sizzle, not the steak" is completely backwards.

Your customers aren't buying what you think you're selling.

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Your customers are buying a solution to a problem they have that your product or service solves.

For a good example, look to the diet industry.

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Have you ever seen an ad for a weight loss program?

What's missing from those ads?

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Think about it. We’ll get to what’s missing in a minute, but while we’re here, let’s talk about where those types of ads excel.

before + after pictures

before + after pictures

These pictures, and their corresponding captions, do a really great job of letting you, the viewer, imagine yourself transforming.

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What's missing from those ads?

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You got it: the specifics of the program. The names of these programs aren’t “A salad and 20 push-ups a day to a new you.”

You're probably not in the diet industry.

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And you think that what people need is more information. More knowledge. More… salads. But no.

Your offer is also about transformation.

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Focus on that and you’ll find much greater success.

Transformation stories are the backbone of content marketing.

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This type of storytelling will mean that you never run out of content.

Marketing is the bridge between where your prospects are now and where they will be after they transform. 

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Tell enough stories about people like them, so they can visualize the transformation that you promise, so they can see themselves in your stories.

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