Where is Maggie Leaving Money on the Table? - Kathleen Celmins
Maggie Germano is leaving money on the table

Where is Maggie Leaving Money on the Table?

Maggie Germano has been a friend for a while but we both attended Statement event recently and sat at a mastermind table together. It was great to reconnect and I hopped at the chance to have her on “Where is _________ leaving money on the table!”

This is what I had to say…

Maggie Germano’s homepage

Maggie has such a cute site! I love her colors and her photos really show how approachable she is in real life. I love the whole set up, the layout, testimonials, and colors.

Maggie does not have any sort of opt-in and knows that she needs one. Having just a subscribe button is not enough for a financial site. She needs to give something away to drive people to her email list. It could be something simple like a worksheet or even a quiz. Or she could do some sort of self-assessment as to where you are in your financial journey or your financial dreams.

Maggie Germano's Website

Coaching page

On the coaching page, I really like the layout and what she has so far. Her copy is spot on and really helps readers self-identify.

I would suggest that she add the price to monthly coaching since she has a price listed for the Budget Deep Dive session.

Another suggestion would be to add the word FREE to Discovery Call header. People will be more apt to take her up on the call if it is clear that it is a free offer.

Speaker page

The Speaker page is really good. She does a good job sharing places that she has been a speaker before and makes it easy to contact her with both a button and form. I would suggest adding a speaker video to the page to give an idea of her experience.

Money Circle

Clicking on to the Money Circle page I was not sure what I was viewing. I would add a description of what the Money Circle is all about. Something as simple as “In person events in the DC Metro area.” I think Maggie is losing people who go to the page but don’t know what they are looking at so they leave.


Maggie didn’t ask me to check out the blog page, but I couldn’t resist taking a look.

First, I would add a headline on top of the first post saying that it was the latest post. Then Maggie could experiment with removing that post from the scroll underneath.

I love that the page scrolls forever! It’s perfect for people who want to browse a lot of posts and find what interests them.

Contact page

The final thing I checked out was Maggie’s contact button. She needs to add it as a page because the infinite scroll on the Blog page doesn’t bring you to contact information in the footer, it just keeps loading more blog posts. The new Contact page can also include her Free Discovery Call scheduler and maybe even a bit about her.

What Maggie Should Change

All in all, I think Maggie has a great site! It is clean and easy to navigate. A few simple tweaks will just take it to the next level:

  1. Create an opt-in and related forms
  2. Add pricing to the Monthly Coaching
  3. Make sure that it’s clear the Discovery Call is FREE
  4. Add a video to the Speaker page
  5. Add a description to the Money Circle page
  6. Make the contact form its own page

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