Why you need a webinar in your marketing arsenal - Kathleen Celmins
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Why you need a webinar in your marketing arsenal

Today, I’m sharing something that always gets a response every time I share it. When I hear back from people who take action, they say that they didn’t even realize what they were missing.

Why every business owner needs to have at least one webinar in their marketing arsenal.

You’ve heard about people who do just one webinar and make six figures. It happens, but it’s not very common – so let’s break down what a webinar actually accomplishes for your business. 

What I’ve seen in my clients, especially in the last year,  is that once you start implementing webinars you’re going to make more money on your courses. One client of mine generated more than $50,000 dollars last year using webinars alone.

Webinars are interesting because they’re like a cross between getting on stage and putting together a series of one-on-one calls, and through them, you can accomplish several things:

  1. Improve your presentation skills
  2. Establish the preeminence of your knowledge and skills
  3. Build authority in the relationship with your subscriber
  4. And put them in a buying mood.

While you teach them people will be getting to know you in a way that establishes respect and makes you look good by showing off your expertise. Even if they aren’t going to buy from you during that live webinar, they are so much more likely to buy from you down the line.

More than a PDF, more than a checklist, more than an e-book, a webinar is going to build toward the sale.

It’s the very beginning of 2020. Could you add a webinar to your marketing portfolio that will set you up for a bigger year? You can, and it’s going to be easier and more fun than you are thinking.

If you are like me when I start to figure out something totally unfamiliar, you might be thinking: “Oh My Gosh. I’m not sure how. I guess I’ll open PowerPoint and figure it out?” There’s this piece and that piece; it’s hard to see how it all comes together and adds up.

My goal with The Leveraged Expert is to teach you all the little bits in fits and starts about how to do this and how to do it well. And most importantly, how to keep the big picture in mind. 

I would love to have you subscribe, or just follow my page Kathleen Celmins on Facebook, and you’ll get notified every time I’m about to go live. I would really love to hear how you’re going to implement some of these little, little tidbits of marketing advice.

Case study:

How we earned $100,000 in a year on a digital product

Get the three things that made the most difference when we marketed a digital course and it earned $100,000 in just 12 months.

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